From: "@robase, Salle multimédia" Newsgroups: comp.os.cpm Subject: Re: Proposed Epson QX-10 Day on 10th of each month Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 13:18:20 +0200 Organization: Wanadoo, l'internet avec France Telecom Lines: 406 Message-ID: <9n2glt$rul$> References: <9m8hdg$cod$> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Trace: 999605757 28629 (4 Sep 2001 12:15:57 GMT) X-Complaints-To: NNTP-Posting-Date: 4 Sep 2001 12:15:57 GMT X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300 How funny life is! I am a fan of WS4, and keep finding Valdocs stuff!!! (While searching for a copy of WS4 for CP/M-86...) I have never seen or used Valdocs. As far as I have understood, it was running under a "proprietary" version of CP/M named "TP/M". So, imagine my surprise when I saw a CP/M file named "VALDOCPX.ARC"... Could it be possible that two different persons would have used the same name? This archive contains the following files: EDIT.COM a huge program (36 KB...) VALDOCS.TXT (a WordStar file, despite its filetype) VAL2WS.COM and WS2VAL.COM: 2 Turbo Pascal programs obviously used to convert VALdoc files to WordStar, and vice-versa, under CP/M. I dumped EDIT.COM. There are several references to a "STACK". As it is well-known that Valdocs was written in STOIC, a Forth-like programming language, I can only conclude that someone named "SnyderScope" had the source code of Valdocs and made a CP/M version in 12/25/84. The WS2VAL.COM author is: Ted Jerome New Wave Research 3/04/85 RR#1, Box 380-A, Waitsfieldn VT 05673 Following this, you will find an ASCII version of the VALDOCS.TXT file. Of course, that's all I known about it. Now, some questions are raised: 1) Could a Valdocs user checks the doc to see if it describes the QX-10 Valdocs editor ? 2) Could some Forth fan confirms that this is really some zero address code? 3) Could some fan of the Epson PX-8 says where the escape codes of the PX-8 can be found on the Internet? 4) Could someone patch EDIT.COM, so that it would run with some more common escape codes, like Kaypro, ASM 3A, and Osborne (the escape codes recognized by 22NICE, for example...) 5) Is it difficult to "disassemble" a Forth program? If EDIT.COM is really a CP/M version of the Valdocs editor, it should (logically) be written in STOIC... (Note that EDIT.COM is 36 KB, and the ASM86.COM that I have disassembled uses 40 KB of the TPA. So it is possible to disassemble it, but it would be simpler to ask STOIC to disassemble it...) 6) If so, it would be possible to port it to MS-DOS... (and to the latest +1 GHz computers) 7) Finally: Who cares? Yours Sincerely, "French Luser" PX-8 VALDOCS REFERENCE Version 1A By Bill Stoebig Note: Valdocs for the PX-8 is a test program that has been released for general use. It is highly unlikely that it will be developed or refined further. It contains some bugs, two of which can result in the loss of a document in memory. Deleting a carriage return at the end of a line is fatal--the PX-8 will "freeze up", requiring a reset of the computer. The current document in memory will be lost. There are two ways of invoking this bug: 1) Depressing CTRL + Y together when the cursor is on text and 2) Deleting ALL characters on a line (including the carriage return) using the CLR/DEL dey. DO NOT depress CTRL + Y for any purpose and be careful when using the CLR/DEL key that you do not delete beyond the number of characters on a line. If you must delete characters, be sure to save the document in memory first so that you will be covered in the event disaster strikes. The second fatal bug, also resulting in a freeze-up, occurs when one selects pace available on data disk from the CTRL + K Menu when there is no space left on the drive. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Valdocs for the PX-8 is a 36K size file; it is too large to run from the internal configured ramdisk. It can be run from the microcassette but this would be extremely slow due to loading and storage time required. For practical use, either an external Ramdisk (60K, 120K, or MFU) or a disk drive is required. It is possible to burn the program into ROM for those equipped to do so. FUNCTION KEY ASSIGNMENTS PX-8 KEY VALDOCS FUNCTION STOP Suspends scrolling through a document. ESC UNDO (Back Out of Menu's) PAUSE STORE document menu appears: .................................................. Enter name to store document under ________.VAL , is automatically added. The document will store on the currently logged drive. If a document already exists with the same filename, Valdocs will ask if you want to delete it and replace it with the current file. HELP Retrieve/Insert document menu appears: .................................................. Enter name of document to insert ______ .VAL .........< UNDO to resume editing >............... Enter the document name you want to retrieve for editing. If you have forgotten the name, press PF2 and select ndex of Documents for a listing of files on the currently logged drive. Also, use this menu to merge a document into one that is currently in memory. Place the cursor in the current document where you want the merge to occur and select the document to be merged. PF1 Apparently non-functional UNTIL text is in the editor; then accesses the PRINT menu: ....................................................... Select a function by its letter or moving the cursor then press return

rint current document ultiple copies (1-99) tart at page number ait aftereach page (Y/N) nding page number[orEND]orrespondence quality(Y/N ine spacing (1 to 3) umber pages starting at .............< UNDO to resume editing >................ This is the printer support for Valdocs. A document must be active, or in memory, to be printed. You can designate sections of a document to print, e.g., tart at page 5 and nd at page 7. If you want the document spaced, choose the desired spacing as well as the number of copies required. If you are using single sheet paper, select "Y" for ait after each page; select "N" for continuous paper. orrespondence quality gives a NLQ appearance. If you do want page numbering to start on other than the first page, enter the # at umber pages starting at ___. If you do not want any page numbering, enter a "0". I have tested these options successfully with an Epson P-80X printer. .pa PF2 INDEX menu: ....................................................... Select a function by its letter or moving the cursor then press return ndex of Documents Ramdisk elete Document Floppy disk ename Document ape storage hange disk/tape ake new data tape ...........< UNDO to resume editing >.................. The ndex of Documents lists all documents that are stored on the currently logged drive. You can elete and ename documents on the currently logged drive. The , , and options allow one to log onto another storage device. For example, if you start Valdocs from the Ramdisk (A drive) and store a file, it will store on the Ramdisk. However, if you select loppy disk (if one is connected) or ape storage before you store the file, it will be stored on the device you selected. Accordingly, one could run the Valdocs editor from the Ramdisk and store all data files on the disk drive or the microcassette. If you are logged onto the disk or tape drive, selecting hange disk/tape will close the directory and prompt you to insert a new disk or tape. ake a new data tape will close the current tape, prompt you to insert a new tape, and initialize it for use. PF3 Exit to CP/M - the following menu appears: .................................................. Abandon text now in memory (Y/N) ? ..............< UNDO to resume editing >.......... Note: If no document is in the editor, depressing PF3 will exit directly to CP/M without the menu appearing. .pa PF4 Exit to system - the following menu appears: .................................................. Exit to system Abandon text now in memory (Y/N) ? ............< UNDO to resume editing >............ Note: If no document is in the editor, depressing PF3 will exit directly to the PX-8's MENU screen, if enabled, without the above menu appearing. PF5 CALCULATOR menu: ....................................................... CALCULATOR: 0 Use the numerical keypad & cursor keys LEAR all NSERT number in document EMORY plus <0> OTAL a column ET from memory OW total ERO memory ..............< UNDO to resume editing >............... Either the number keys in the top row or the numerical keypad may be used to input numbers. lear all resets the calculator to 0 but leaves any value in memory; use ero memory to clear all memory to 0. otal a column totals a column of numbers in the editor. Put the cursor in the last number and select otal and hit RETURN. The total will show in the calculator at the cursor. To nsert the total in the editor, position the cursor where you want the total placed and select nsert and RETURN. ow works in the same manner. Note: Some of the sub-menu information flashes by so fast that it's unreadable; experiment with the calculator and you will catch on quickly. .pa CONTROL + KEY ASIGNMENTS (Depress the CTRL key, and while it is down, depress the second key.) KEYS VALDOCS FUNCTION CTRL + Q The "Quirks" Menu: ....................................................... Select a function by its letter or moving the cursor then press RETURN irectory of disk etrieve non-indexed file og in different disk drive tore as non-indexed ormat entire document ursor locked in center uick Display .................< UNDO to resume editing >............ irectory of disk lists a directory of the currently logged drive. Selecting og in different disk drive accesses the INDEX menu, which is also invoked by pressing PF2. In Valdocs 1.19 for the Epson QX-10, uick Display increased the speed of the cursor across the display; I have been unable to ascertain any speed difference on the PX-8. etrieve and tore non-indexed store and retrieve files exactly the same as under the PAUSE and HELP keys, described. Both also assign a .VAL extention. ursor locked in center is a toggle between "locking" the cursor in the middle of the screen and having text scrolling over it versus having a "moving" cursor. Try both methods and see which one you like. ormat entire document is used after inserting or deleting characters. It "formats" the document reinserting spaces, etc. This option should also be used to format the document after justifying previously right ragged text. .pa CTRL + O The "On Screen" Menu: ....................................................... Select a function by its letter or moving the cursor then press RETURN enter line on/off ight margin setting on-break space op of page margin eft margin setting ottom of page margin ..............< UNDO to resume editing >............... Select enter line to center a line; however, there must be a carriage return at the end of the line before it will be centered. Position the cursor in the line to be centered and select this option. on-break spaces "ties" two words together so they aren't separated by more than one space while in the right justified mode. To tie two words together, type the first, invoke this menu option, and then type the second word. The four margin setting selections are straightforward. You can set multiple right and left margin settings in the document. As indentations are not supported, use margin changes instead. CTRL + P The "Page" Menu: ....................................................... Select a function by its letter or moving the cursor then press RETURN oto specific page number ew page (go to top of new page) f within 'N' lines of end, new page et length of paper to 'N' lines ..............< UNDO to resume editing >............... oto specific page moves the cursor and screen display to the selected page. ew page moves the cursor to the top of the next page; it is handy for starting a new chapter or topic. et length of paper allows for the differences in paper length for printing purposes. For example, standard paper is 66 lines long whereas legal paper is 84 lines long. .pa CTRL + K The "Miscellaneous" Menu: ....................................................... Select a function by its letter or moving the cursor then press RETURN hange data disk elete to end of doc pace available on data disk ustify on/off rase scrn, refile orig. doc

oint char for Dec. (./,) .............< UNDO to redume editing >................ Note: Depressing SHIFT + HOME also invokes this menu. hange data disk should be used anytime one wants to change tapes or disks. pace available on data disk does not appear to be functional and LOCKS UP THE SYSTEM when the drive has no storage space remaining. rase screen clears the current document from memory without storing it. elete to end of document deletes all text from the cursor location to the end of the document. ustify on/off is a toggle between right justified or right ragged edge. Position the cursor in the document where you want justification to begin (or end) and select this option. Then, access the Quirks Menu (CTRL + Q) and select ormat entire document.

oint char allows one to designate the decimal as a "." or a ",". I don't know the purpose for this option. CTRL + S STORES the document: .................................................. Enter name to store document under _______.VAL ...........< UNDO to resume editing >............. EOF